The Tall Truth Revealed: Does Gymnastics Really Stunt Your Growth?

does gymnastics stunt your growth

Ever wondered if doing gymnastics can make you shorter? Is there any truth to the idea that gymnastics might stunt your growth?

Imagine a gifted young gymnast, full of dreams and determination, leaping and flipping toward success. But amid all the applause and praise, there’s a lingering worry: does gymnastics stunt your growth? Is there any truth to this time-hallowed idea, or is it just a scary tale whispered in secret?

Have you ever worried about this secret? Don’t worry- you’re not the first to worry about it. It is a point of worry for many aspiring gymnasts. This article will shed light on the age-old belief and uncover the truth behind the claim. By examining scientific studies, expert opinions, and real-life experiences, we will unveil the reality behind this persistent myth and provide a sweeping interpretation of the relationship between gymnastics and growth. 

young girl gymnast
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Does Gymnastics Stunt Your Growth?

Gymnastics is all about reaching magnificent heights. However, the persistent question is whether this sport limits your height.

Some experts suggest intense training could lead to early puberty and skeletal issues, potentially stunting growth. However, others argue there’s no scientific evidence supporting this claim. To demystify this debate, let’s discover more through scientific evidence: does gymnastics stunt your growth?

3 Potential Reasons Why Gymnasts Are Usually Short

does gymnastics stunt your growth

In gymnastics, success is associated with performing impressive flips and routines. However, a significant trend observed among successful gymnasts is their relatively shorter height. 

On average, female gymnasts are approximately 4’9″, while male gymnasts measure around 5’4″. This claim can be due to various factors. So, does gymnastics stunt your growth? Let’s find out.


The food gymnasts eat can influence their height. To stay lightweight and nimble, gymnasts often follow strict diets to stay slim and strong. So, the question is, how does gymnastics stunt your growth?

Well, gymnasts eat a lot of protein and calories to give them energy for their intense training. However, they must be cautious not to overeat and gain excess weight, which can affect how well they perform. 

Due to this, it is possible that they might miss essential nutrients like calcium and iron. The lack of nutrients can result in gymnasts’ not growing taller after a certain age.


Training for any sport can lead to having physical effects on your body. Similarly, the training that gymnasts experience can affect their height. Wondering why does gymnastics stunt your growth? Well, because many gymnasts begin training at a young age, their bones and muscles don’t get a chance to grow to their full potential size. 

If a child starts training before puberty, they might not grow as tall as they could have otherwise. Moreover, the intense training that gymnasts go through can make them shorter in height. 

Gymnasts’ bodies undergo constant stress. As a result, their bones may grow slower than they would if they weren’t training so intensively. As time passes, this can result in a permanent loss of height. Perhaps, this is one explanation for how does gymnastics stunt your growth.


Apart from influencing the success of gymnasts, genetics can also play a role in determining their height. So, for whoever wonders why does gymnastics stunt your growth, here’s an explanation.

When families have a history of being shorter in height, their gymnast offspring also tend to be shorter. However, in this sport, it’s not a con but a huge pro.

In gymnastics, being smaller can give one an edge in how the body moves. A shorter height can make achieving a lower center of gravity easier, enhancing stability and balance during routines. 

It can also enable finer control during flips, twists, and other routines, as gymnasts with shorter limbs may face less rotational inertia.

Pros and Cons of Early Adoption

young kid doing gymnastics

Parents and coaches must consider the pros and cons when pursuing gymnastics, especially at a young age, because training for gymnastics is intense. So, let’s find out some pros and cons and figure out how does gymnastics stunt your growth – if it’s true.


1. Doing gymnastics earlier in life makes our body strong, bendy, and well-balanced.

2. Learning gymnastics early gives you more scope to practice new moves.

3. Gymnastics classes are a chance to meet other kids and work together as a team.

5. Gymnastics can help us acquire better control of our bodies. 


1. Making the same moves over and over from a young age can hurt our bodies, especially if the practice is started at a very young age and pushed too hard.

2. Intense gymnastics training when you’re young might stress your growing body and affect your bones’ development.

3. Doing a lot of gymnastics at a young age might make you feel pressured or tired.

4. There’s a widely regulated myth that doing lots of gymnastics when you’re young might slow down how tall you grow.

Does Gymnastics Stunt Your Growth? Let’s Consult Physics

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Have you ever wondered why gymnasts have short, muscular bodies? Some people think it’s just because shorter women naturally choose gymnastics. But it’s not that simple to answer: why does gymnastics stunt your growth? 

Physics can explain why being short can be suitable for gymnastics. People with shorter arms and legs find it easier to do the tricky spins and rotations that gymnasts do to impress the judges. 

For example, Simone Biles’ famous “helicopter legs” move, where she balances on one foot with her other leg extended and spins around, is easier for someone with a shorter build.

A small study in the Sports Biomechanics journal showed that shorter gymnasts were better at moves involving spinning and twisting their whole bodies. So, being shorter gives them an advantage in specific gymnastics moves.

So, to answer the ultimate question – does gymnastics stunt your growth, it won’t be wrong to say that perhaps, but it doesn’t stunt your success.


Does Gymnastics Stunt Growth In Girls?

There has been a long debate on does gymnastics stunt your growth, especially if you’re a woman. Some worry that intense training might affect their growth, especially during puberty. But there isn’t enough evidence to prove this. 

Other things, like genes, food, and health, have a more significant impact on the growth of female gymnasts. 

How Do I Know If My Daughter Is A Good Gymnast?

Consider her aptitudes and how well she performs gymnastic routines. Observe her advancement over time and commitment to regular practice. Seek feedback from her coach to apprehend her capabilities and potential. 

Assess her competition performance and devotion to gymnastics. Her height, strength, and flexibility can also impact her gymnastics journey.

Why Does Gymnastics Stunt Growth In Boys?

Much like the girls, the concerns over boys’ growth have been a topic of interest. Concerns have been raised about the intense training affecting growth, particularly during puberty. 

Nevertheless, there is insufficient scientific evidence to substantiate this claim as well. Instead, growth in boys is primarily impacted by genetic factors, nutrition, and overall health. 

Should I Put My Boy In Gymnastics?

Whether you should put your boy in gymnastics depends on what he likes and his physical abilities. Gymnastics can be good for strength, flexibility, and coordination. 

It also teaches discipline and setting goals. If he enjoys it and shows interest, gymnastics can be an excellent choice for his development. Talk to him and maybe visit a gymnastics place to see if he likes it.


After considering the evidence, no scientific proof exists that gymnastics stops gymnasts from growing. For more in-depth information on the sport, check out my comprehensive post on gymnastics

Remember, answering the question, “does gymnastics stunt your growth?” involves taking care of these things to have a safe and positive experience in gymnastics.

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